Sunday, 30 November 2014

Planning of Music - Soundtrack

Main Soundtrack - This soundtrack will be played on a loop throughout most of the 'wake up' scene. I felt this sound was edgy and effective which allows me to convey my genre well. When finding a film score soundtrack, I took a lot of inspiration from crime dramas like Luther. What I noticed was that a lot of the time they would use bassy, looped beats that left the viewer feeling nervous but unaware as to what could happen next.

Secondary Ideas...

  • - This soundtrack could lend to a more confrontational scenario. Depending on how my filming develops and eventually ends up, this could be an interesting non-diegetic backdrop. In terms of keeping to my genre it fits well, it is urban and on-edge which fits in well with my location and storyline. : To be honest, I doubt I'll use this. It's got more of a Sci-Fi feel to it. The reason I even am considering it is the possibility of using it for a small part building up to the climax of the scene, as it is a very good example of how suspense can be created through non-diegetic sound.
    - - This score is very dramatic and not nesessarilly right for my opening, however when I heard it I thought it could be good in places. For example at the very beginning alongside some establishing shots.
  • - This maybe isn't in fitting with my genre but I feel it would be a possibility in a get away scene I am planning on doing.

Photgraphs of Locations

Filming Locations on PhotoPeach

Monday, 24 November 2014

Props List

- A Mobile Phone.
- A watch
- Plastic bag
- 2 Knives

Structure of the narrative

Actor 1 (protagonist): Ethan Miller
Actor 2 (Boss) Robert Rowe

Narrative: The scene will open with the protagonist waking up on the street (at time of writing it will be in Park st.) He will be awoken by the piercing ring of his phone, before looking at his watch and jetting off in sudden realization. It will essentially turn into a get-away scene, in which I will cover a few of Bristol's locations. The opening will culminate in the Protagonist and the Boss meeting up before being covered with a bag over his head. The last scene will be the Protagonist waking up in a completely different location having been captured.

Sound: Predominately, there will be a voice over which will introduce the themes and possible story line. Synchronous sound will feature at points, for example when the phone rings at the start. The more I include this, the more it will add to the edgy mood and atmosphere I'm trying to create. I think a key aspect of the opening will be the non-diegetic soundtrack as it will set the tempo in a get away scene.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Initial Planning Ideas

Crime/Thriller/British Gangster 

Through research and looking into previous videos I have decided I will go down this sort of root. I feel it adds a much newer and more fresh look on a British Gangster genre (which in my opinion, is slightly too comical for what I want to try and create.) The reason I was influenced to add this element into my opening is because of my research into British dramas. For example, 'Top Boy'. This is an edgy, London based crime drama which would fit well into an element of what I am trying  to produce...

Another T.V drama with that edgy element I am looking for would be 'Luther'...



I will use both more urban and also sophisticated areas within Bristol. Some of my initial possibilities would be; Bristol Docks, Temple Meads train station, Park street or Clifton suspension Bridge. As I further look into my planning I will be able to look at more specific areas.


Protagonist: Hoodie, jeans, chain, high top trainers, coat. I will mainly use dark clothing to keep a defined edgy look to the actor. In terms of props, I won't have any guns. Being set in England I feel it would be much more realistic to include a knife or something along those lines. Other props will probably include;
A phone
Wallet etc.


 There are a few options that I've considered which vary slightly, and ultimately it will be a choice when I've fully decided what root I want to go down:
  • Deepest Shame (Andy C remix) - Plan B (
  • Flashing Lights - Chase and Status (
  • End Credits - Chase and Status (
  • War Rages On (Etherwood Remix) - Alex Clare (
  • Run - Kill it kid (
To be honest, a final decision will only be possible when I have more idea into mainly who my actor will be and secondly how it will be story boarded.

 Actors (Protagonist)

Variety that would be most effective depending on what root I go

Will Roberts

Rob Rowe

Ethan Miller 

Tom Maggs

Shot Types 

I will look to include a lot of close ups or even extreme close ups for intensity and drama. Long shots of the protagonist walking or running is also something I will look to utilise. Obviously to create a setting I need establishing shots, and all other necessary shots for professionalism. I think pans out and in will really change the mood and atmosphere of the scenes likewise with tracking movements. I will also try to incorperate POV shots into the intro as it creates a stronger link between how the audience will feel and the protagonist.




I aim to have my non-diegetic soundtrack in the background quite a lot of my opening. With my opening being filmed in public areas, ambient sound will inevitably be a feature (if not over-powered by the music or dialogue) and it will also add to the realism. At the moment I'm really considering the idea of having a voice-over as it is a common theme in most of the British Gangsters I have enjoyed. Asynchronous sound will add to the edginess and intensity of what I am planning, and I will look to really emphasize some of the key moments. Direct address is something I may test out, but at the moment I'm not entirely sure how well it would work.