Sunday, 30 November 2014

Planning of Music - Soundtrack

Main Soundtrack - This soundtrack will be played on a loop throughout most of the 'wake up' scene. I felt this sound was edgy and effective which allows me to convey my genre well. When finding a film score soundtrack, I took a lot of inspiration from crime dramas like Luther. What I noticed was that a lot of the time they would use bassy, looped beats that left the viewer feeling nervous but unaware as to what could happen next.

Secondary Ideas...

  • - This soundtrack could lend to a more confrontational scenario. Depending on how my filming develops and eventually ends up, this could be an interesting non-diegetic backdrop. In terms of keeping to my genre it fits well, it is urban and on-edge which fits in well with my location and storyline. : To be honest, I doubt I'll use this. It's got more of a Sci-Fi feel to it. The reason I even am considering it is the possibility of using it for a small part building up to the climax of the scene, as it is a very good example of how suspense can be created through non-diegetic sound.
    - - This score is very dramatic and not nesessarilly right for my opening, however when I heard it I thought it could be good in places. For example at the very beginning alongside some establishing shots.
  • - This maybe isn't in fitting with my genre but I feel it would be a possibility in a get away scene I am planning on doing.

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